Honors Program
Honors Program
For SY 2025-26, all interested Incoming 7th Graders choosing courses during early course registration will be applying for Honors courses via the registration Google Form link on the Registration Page. All interested Incoming 8th students attending Hilo Intermediate will need to submit the application below with the appropriate signatures and approval by the deadline. No late applications will be accepted.
For general questions regarding the Honors Program, please contact the appropriate grade-level counselor:
Incoming 8th Grade: Ms. Deborah Hashimoto-Skorikov (email: Deborah.Hashimoto-Skorikov@k12.hi.us phone: (808) 313-5310 )
Incoming 7th Grade: Ms. Cheney Kaku (email: Cheney.Kaku@k12.hi.us phone: (808) 313-5311 )
For questions related to math placements, please contact:
Ms.Laura Kelson (email: Laura.Kelson@k12.hi.us phone: (808) 313-5418 )
Program Background
Philosophy & Goal:
We believe in providing an appropriate and challenging education for all students and acknowledge that gifted and talented students excel in many areas; therefore, we will offer opportunities to maximize their learning and build their creative capacity. To that end, we will offer a differentiated program for these students: The Hilo Intermediate School Honors Program.
Hilo Intermediate School honors classes, aligned with national standards for gifted and talented education, are open to all students who seek increased academic rigor. The goal of Honors classes is to provide a consistent middle school curriculum that extends the Common Core State Standards in depth and complexity and meets the needs of a diverse group of learners. We will meet this goal by:
¨ Setting challenging curriculum standards appropriate to the intellectual and social development of students in the honors program;
¨ Providing learning opportunities to all students with outstanding talent and learning abilities;
¨ Providing instructional and related services necessary to challenge and educate students in honors classes at levels commensurate with their abilities;
¨ Providing staff development and teacher training;
¨ Increasing and maintaining parent participation; and
¨ Establishing a school-wide student identification, parent notification, and program evaluation system.
Entrance Criteria
Students will be required to apply and obtain a teacher recommendation for the Honors classes; however, it will ultimately be a student and parent choice to select the appropriate class(es) based on teacher recommendations, course descriptions, expectations, student interest, and HIS Admin approval. Math is the exception. Students will be tested at the end of Quarter 3 of their 7th grade year to determine eligibility for Algebra I. Students in Honors 7 are NOT grandfathered into Honors 8 and must reapply each year.
HIS Policy
Students should make careful, thoughtful decisions during course selection. No schedule changes will be allowed and should a student fail any Honors level course, they will need to recover the subject area credit in a Regular level course or through an approved credit recovery program at their own expense.
¨ What services are available for students seeking increased academic challenge at Hilo Intermediate School?
Honors classes offer students who demonstrate previous high achievement in specific areas of strength, the opportunity to experience a program of study at greater levels of depth and complexity. Honors classes offer a rigorous and challenging curriculum in the four core subject areas. They also offer students an opportunity to develop relationships with peers who will then attend the same high school. Honors classes are available in all middle schools.
¨ What subject areas offer Honors classes?
Honors classes are available in the four core academic areas of English, mathematics, social studies, and science. Honors classes use a middle school curriculum that extends the Common Core State Standards in depth and complexity.
¨ How and when are students enrolled in Honors classes?
The course selection process begins during Hilo Intermediate’s registration season, which takes place in early December for incoming 8th graders and in mid - December for incoming 7th graders. Incoming 8th grade registration packets, which include Honors 8 course information and application materials, are distributed in student’s homerooms in early December and may also be obtained directly from the school’s website. Incoming 7th grade registration and Honors course selection takes place in mid - December via online Google Form. Students in Honors 7 are NOT grandfathered in Honors 8 and must reapply each year.
¨ How do I refer my child for Honors classes in the Hilo Intermediate School Honors Program?
With the exception of Algebra 1, Honors classes are open enrollment. If parents/guardians feel that their child would benefit from Honors classes (or from additional Honors classes), they must apply for the program at the time of enrollment / registration. No mid-year requests will be allowed.
¨ How many Honors classes should my child take?
There are many factors parents / guardians and students may want to consider when deciding how many Honors classes a student takes. This may include the student’s strengths, interests, additional responsibilities, and/or extracurricular activities. See HIS Policy on next page regarding honors schedule change requests.
¨ Which math class should I take?
Honors Program Overview

Honors Course Comparisons and Guidelines

Should I sign up for Honors Math?

Honors Application