IC Parent Portal Activation Info
The Infinite Campus Portal is now live and available for parents and students to view progress & attendance & utilize its communication features.
For 7th grade households, neon yellow parent portal activation letters were sent home through Homeroom starting August 21, 2024. Only designated parents / guardians who have not already activated their portal account will be receiving an account activation letter with their unique activation key code. If you did not receive a letter, there likely is an older sibling in the household and you already have an active portal account. The parent portal reference sheet (see below) should have been attached to your letter.
For 8th grade households, fluorescent orange parent portal survey letters were sent home through Homeroom starting August 21, 2024. Only designated parents / guardians will be receiving a letter. Return this letter, with a valid email address, only if a password reset is needed or if you need your account activated.
Should you need assistance with activating your parent portal account or if you need a password reset or forgot your username, please reach out to your child's counselor (808)313-5300:
7th Grade: Deborah Hashimoto-Skorikov (email: deborah.hashimoto-skorikov@k12.hi.us )
8th Grade: Cheney Kaku (email: cheney.kaku@k12.hi.us )